If you change your mind on your purchase within 21 days, you can return orders for an exchange or refund by downloading and filling out our returns form and enclosing it within your return, failure to do this may result in your exchange/refund taking longer to complete. If you don’t have access to a printer, you can detail the required information on to a piece of paper.
If you have received faulty goods, you may return them to us for a full refund of the purchase price (plus P&P). Products must be returned to us within 20 days of receipt of the goods. Once your goods have arrived and are accepted back into stock please allow up to 14 days for your return to be processed. We do not provide a free returns service, it will be up to you to arrange the form in which the goods to be returned will get back to us and also your responsibility to pay the delivery charge.
Please remember that the products are your responsibility, as a customer, until they reach us. For your own protection, we recommend that you send any returns by a postal/courier service that provides insurance for the value of the goods, a despatch certificate or document and a delivery receipt. Please retain your Certificate of Posting and hold onto it until you have received your refund from us.
You will be refunded by the payment method used for your original purchase.
Items returned from outside the UK
Please follow the instructions above and also ensure that the following is written legibly on both the packaging and Customs declaration:
Babyshoes.co.uk cannot be held responsible for any Duty charges for any items returned and accepts no responsibility for any items that are lost in transit to us.
All returns to Babyshoes.co.uk should be sent to the following address:
5 Dudlow Drive
L18 2HB